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    Bando Transdairy Project

     As part of the Project "TRANSborder Key Enabling Technologies and Living Labs for the DAIRY value chain " , the Luigi Vanvitelli University of Campania has launched a new call for a funded cycle of training sessions aimed at developing entrepreneurial skills. The deadline for application is Feb 24th 2023. For more information on the project click here.
    As part of the Project "TRANSborder Key Enabling Technologies and Living Labs for the DAIRY value chain " , the Luigi Vanvitelli University of Campania organizes a cycle of training sessions aimed at developing entrepreneurial skills. For more information on the project click here.

    Domanda di partecipazione

    "Transdairy" project: courses and vouchers in Italy, Tunisia, Greece and Lebanon to improve technology transfer from Research Centers to companies.

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