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    Click here to apply before 20 January 2023 to the call "Specialized training for entrepreneurship"

    Click here to apply before 19 May 2022 to the call to participate in the brokerage event within the #TRANSDAIRY project ENI CBC Med Programme and explore business opportunities and expand your network through B2B meetings as well as demo sessions for promising technologies.

    TRANSDAIRY -TG3 campania : OPENDAY event, click here

    OPEN CALL “ Specialized Training for Intermediaries in the Dairy Value Chain” The application form is available on the link.

    Send your application within 22 april 2022 to: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

    "Transdairy" project: courses and vouchers in Italy, Tunisia, Greece and Lebanon to improve technology transfer from Research Centers to companies. 
    Proroga Bando di Selezione

    Domanda di partecipazione

    Interview delivered at October 6th, 2021 by both, TRANSDAIRY's coordinator, Prof. Luigi Zeni and the project manager, Dr. Alejandra Olay Cheu.

    Filiera lattiero-casearia nel Mediterraneo, scambi culturali/tecnologici con TRANSDAIRY

    Benvenuti nel nostro numero 3 della newsletter (settembre - dicembre 2021)



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