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    Indizione elezioni delle rappresentanze dei dottorandi nel Collegio di Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione

    Elections for PhD students’ representatives within Industrial and Information Engineering PhD Faculty Board– 37°, 38° and 39° cycles

    Elections are called for PhD students’ representatives within Industrial and Information Engineering PhD Faculty Board for:

    • 5 representatives of the students enrolled in Industrial and Information Engineering PhD course - 37th cycle;
    • 5 representatives of the students enrolled in Industrial and Information Engineering PhD course - 38th cycle;
    • 6 representatives of the students enrolled in Industrial and Information Engineering PhD course - 39th cycle

    Voting will take place on March 27th, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 03:00 p.m.
    Only those who are included in the lists of those entitled can be admitted to vote. Voting operations will be carried out in compliance with the requirements of secrecy and certainty of the expression of vote, in electronic form (e-voting).

    The elector may exercise his/her right to vote using one of the following Telematics Modes:

    • in presence at the "Sala dei Consigli di Classe", located on the mezzanine floor near the Department Management, in Via Roma n. 29, Aversa, with a valid identity document;
    • remotely, after identification with a valid identity document, through the Microsoft Teams platform, through a video call.

    The link to access the platform will be sent via e-mail to the official university e-mail address.

    Each elector can exercise a single preference only.

    Entitled to elect the PhD students’ representatives within the Faculty Board are:
    - active voters, students enrolled in the PhD course at the election date (March 27th, 2024);

    - passive voters (candidates), students enrolled in the PhD course on the date of announcement of the call (February 9th, 2024).

    Any other info related to the voting process is specified in the call for application published.


    Con bando prot. n. 25694 del 09.02.2024 sono indette le elezioni per la designazione dei rappresentanti dei dottorandi in seno al Collegio di Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione:  37°- 38° e 39° ciclo. 


    Modello candidatura

    Elettorato attivo 37° ciclo al 09.02.2024

    Elettorato passivo 37° ciclo al 09.02.2024

    Elettorato attivo 38° ciclo al 09.02.2024

    Elettorato passivo 38° ciclo al 09.02.2024

    Elettorato attivo 39° ciclo al 09.02.2024

    Elettorato passivo 39° ciclo al 09.02.2024

    Verbale Candidature

    Decreto proclamazione eletti 

    Decreto di nomina

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